360° Virtual Tour

How to use scaffolding

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When the bottom block of scaffolding is destroyed, all scaffolding blocks above it break, similar to chorus plants and bamboo; this makes it easier for players to make temporary structures.

The placement of scaffolding is different from any other blocks in the game. When pressing use on the side of a scaffolding, the scaffolding is added on top of the highest scaffolding in that location, allowing the player to build the scaffolding structure higher on the ground.‌ Pressing use on the top face of the scaffolding adds the scaffolding to the side, depending on the direction the player is facing.‌[Java Edition only] When trying to place a scaffolding inside of another scaffolding, the scaffolding is added on top of the highest scaffolding in that location, allowing the player to build the scaffolding structure higher on the ground. While sneaking, pressing use on the top face of the scaffolding places the new scaffolding on top of the targeted one if the top is available, otherwise it is placed under the targeted scaffolding if possible. Pressing use on the side while sneaking places it on the side like placing other blocks.

Scaffolding has no collision detection. The player can climb up or down by jumping or sneaking respectively.

A scaffolding block can be moved by pistons, allowing them to be broken easily.

Scaffolding can be placed up to 6 blocks out from its base of support; any further scaffolding placed falls to the ground.

Scaffolding can be waterlogged.

In Bedrock Edition, scaffolding cannot be placed inside lava; if scaffolding is placed next to lava or fire, the scaffolding is destroyed. If it falls into lava or fire, it is destroyed immediately.

In Java Edition, scaffolding can be placed inside lava but burns after some time.

Mobs spawning on the top of scaffolding at night.

When holding scaffolding, the hitbox of scaffolding in the world is a full block.‌ Otherwise, a player can interact with other blocks through the scaffolding.

Unlike most transparent blocks, scaffolding allows mobs to spawn on top of them.

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