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What are fire fighting pipes?

Hi, I’m Ella Ma, the CEO of tytsteel.com. With more than 10 years of experience in OEM/ODM steel pipe, I’d love to share with you the valuable knowledge related to steel products from a Chinese supplier’s perspective. Hope you like this article, and please share it or subscribe to our newsletter.

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  1. They are used to convey fire suppression agents
  2. There are different kinds of fire fighting pipes

Firefighting pipes are one of the most crucial components of any establishment. It protects occupants, assets, and other valuables in case of fire. These pipes are usually painted red to make it easier for firefighters and other individuals to identify and separate them from other types of water systems.

This blog will discuss what are fire fighting pipes, what types are used in fire elimination systems, and how to select the right fire-fighting pipes.

Red-Painted Pipes

Red-painted pipes are commonly used for wet-sprinkler systems. This kind of pipe should always be connected to the establishment’s water supply to release water immediately when a fire occurs.

These pipes are colored bright red to firemen and other workers easily determine them among the many pipe systems in a building. This makes it easy to conduct repairs and replacements when necessary.

Additionally, the red-painted pipes from us here at Supreme Pipe Corp. are made from either iron or carbon steel for them to easily carry heavy loads of liquids such as water that can be connected to firefighting equipment.

Black Iron Pipes

Supreme Pipe Corp.’s black iron pipes are usually used for fire sprinkler systems. They are resistant to various external factors like UV light. You won’t notice any damage when exposed to light, making them a good choice for a fire protection system.

Black iron pipes are also fire-resistant and can easily withstand extremely high pressures of heat. You’re guaranteed that they will stay safe and intact when an abrupt fire breaks loose in the establishment, reducing accidents in times of emergency.

Lastly, they are effortless to install thanks to their durability. You won’t find any single scrapes or dents on their surface and not all pipes have this kind of strength.

Galvanized Pipes

Supreme Pipe Corp.’s galvanized pipes can be used for pre-action fire protection systems. They have unique characteristics such as durability, water-resistant, and corrosion-resistant that allow them to be used for both wet and dry applications.

Due to that, they can be used longer, which makes them an ideal pipe material for the pre-action system since they can withstand both heat and water.

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