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How to distinguish the ASTM and SAE grade?

Steel grading systems give us a way to categorize steel types based on all the different uses that make them distinct. For instance, the rate that manufacturers cool steel can impact how strong it is on a molecular level. The amount of time they keep steel at critical temperatures during

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Most people think that steel is just a pre-set combination of iron and carbon, but did you know there are more than 3,500 different grades of steel? You can compare steel grades by measuring the amount of carbon, additional alloys, and how the manufacturer processes them. THE FOUR TYPES OF STEEL Authorities grade

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What is PPGI?

PPGI, also known as pre-coated steel, coil coated steel, and colour coated steel, stands for Pre-Painted Galvanised Iron. Galvanized Iron is obtained when coated steel is continuously hot dipped to form Zinc of purity greater than 99%. The galvanized coating provides cathodic and barrier protection to the base steel. PPGI

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Often viewed as an affordable alternative to stainless steel, galvanized steel sees regular use in a variety of industries, including but not limited to: In most cases, you’ll see that industries use both metals, taking advantage of the strengths of each while avoiding apparent weaknesses.

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How to Bend Galvanized Sheet Metal

Galvanized steel is a resilient and corrosion-resistant metal, which makes it an ideal component in many projects. Bending the galvanized steel can help you mold it into shapes appropriate for your project. The bending process is fairly simple, but you should feel confident operating power tools before you attempt to

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Black steel pipe VS GI pipe

Black steel pipe fittings and galvanized steel pipe fittings are the two most common kind of pipe applied to transport liquid and gas. Both black steel pipe and galvanized pipe are made of steel, however, galvanized pipe has a zinc coating while black pipe does not. As a result galvanized

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Galvanized Carbon Steel Pipe – Features and Benefits

Galvanized carbon steel pipe is a type of steel piping coated with zinc to prevent corrosion and rust. It is commonly used in applications where the pipe will be exposed to corrosive elements such as saltwater, acidic chemicals, or extreme temperatures. Trong bài viết này, we’ll explore the features and benefits

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How to Paint Galvanized Steel in 4 Easy Steps

If you’ve ever tried to paint a galvanized metal surface, you know that it doesn’t work all that well. The truth is that paint will not adhere to galvanized steel. The layer of zinc left on the metal after the galvanization process is meant to reduce corrosion, but it also

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